15 Reasons Why You Need Vitastem Ultra
Learn about the immense treatment & healing benefits of Vitastem Ultra.
- Vitastem Ultra kills all known bacteria it has ever been tested against, including MRSA (flesh-eating bacteria) and Staph Infection.
- Vitastem Ultra is the only antibiotic in the world that kills with both a physical and chemical mechanism, giving it a unique ability to defeat drug resistant bacteria.
- Vitastem Ultra possesses a unique ability to heal and regenerate tissue unlike any other medication on the market.
- Vitastem Ultra boasts 96% of patients with diabetic wounds & ulcers see improvement within just 2 weeks, dwarfing the largest name brand Rx competitor at 50% of patients seeing improvements at 20 weeks.
- Vitastem Ultra has saved countless patients from amputations thus reducing their hospital stays and increasing their life expectancy.
- Vitastem Ultra is a topical antibiotic and does not have the same ill-effects on the internal organs of the body as oral antibiotics. It will not harm the kidneys or the good bacteria in the stomach.
- Vitastem Ultra uses a patent-pending, specialized combination of ingredients hacking the delivery formula that enables medicine to be transported at 10x the strength and depth of other products in the marketplace today.
- Vitastem Ultra’s unique formula stimulates the cell wall such that it is up to 10x more permeable than normal, allowing for substantially more medicine to enter the cell, overwhelming and killing the bacteria so quickly that it doesn’t have enough time to adapt and develop resistance.
- Vitastem Ultra’s highly concentrated and rapid delivery of medicine to the site of treatment is why patients see results within 24 hours, versus 5 to 7 days (as is the case with other products used to treat the same conditions).
- Vitastem is the only antibiotic that contains both vitamin D3 and vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Vitastem infuses damaged skin cells with these vitamins allowing the skin to repair and rejuvenate!
- Vitastem Ultra is safe for all age groups. Vitastem is a Class-1 medical product, meaning it’s in the safest category of medical products available.
- Vitastem Ultra is an FDA-registered topical antibiotic that uses all FDA-approved ingredients in its formula.
- Vitastem Ultra is long-lasting and has a shelf-life for up to 2 years.
- Vitastem Ultra is made in the USA where pharmaceutical standards & quality are the finest in the world, while reducing any impact of any global supply chain issues.
- Vitastem Ultra offers a 90-day Money-Back Guarantee.